
Showing posts from 2020

Leadership forces

The word Leadership is like the word Religion. It means so many different things that it has become meaningless. How can you invest in Leadership Development without a clear definition of what you are trying to develop? Our process starts by understanding what a great leader looks like in your Organisation so that we can help develop more of them. In order to get the conversation started we share our Leadership Philosophy which is based on 10 Core Principles. We then tailor our approach to suit the needs of your Organisation. Get into their web page to know more Leadership forces web page

Maybe we should get rid of Just Culture by Paul Reuter

Image Don’t get me wrong ,  I still think that Just Culture as a concept and especially the introduction of a definition of Just Culture in regulation EU376/2014 has been a milestone in flight safety. However, I have come to the conclusion that we have fallen short of exploring the whole potential of Just Culture, or for that, Culture in general. In 2015, the EU Commission took the initiative to elaborate, together with industry stakeholders, the  “European Just Culture Declaration ” a document full of worthwhile statements, but, which , at best, has been given barely more than lip service by large parts of our industry. Of course, when you ask organisations, they all profess that they have a “Just Culture” or a “Safety Culture”. What most of them mean, however, is that they have transposed the provisions of EU 376/2014 and the definition of Just Culture into their documentation. (They most certainly have a “sa

Stall in Airbus aircrafts


Stars. From birth to death


How to land the Space Shuttle from Space


Safety standdown 2019

A standard is something we set up and use as a measure – a systematic way of achieving a goal, a level of performance. Safety Standdown 2019 will discuss setting standards, determining how to change those standards to get the best possible results and how to implement them within your organizations.