
Showing posts from June, 2019

What is the difference between ADSB Out and ADSB In?

Image Automatic dependent surveillance—broadcast  ( ADS–B ) is a surveillance technology in which an  aircraft  determines its position via  satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by  air traffic control  ground stations as a replacement for  secondary surveillance radar , as no interrogation signal is needed from the ground. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide  situational awareness  and allow  self-separation . ADS–B is "automatic" in that it requires no pilot or external input. It is "dependent" in that it depends on data from the aircraft's navigation system. Using "ADS-B Out", each aircraft periodically broadcasts information about itself, such as identification, current

How a Pilot is Expected to Behave?

It takes more than just passive listening, taking theory exams and accumulating flight hours to become a competent pilot. Therefore, the aviation industry has already started to adopt a new way of pilot training, based on the development of competencies.

How Wings ACTUALLY Create Lift!

The theory that lift is created by a differential pressure between the upper and the lower surface of the  airfoil is not completely correct. We need to take into account that the airflow changes direction after leaving the surface via the trailing edge. That is the main reason why lift is created.

Red Bull Stratos - The Full Story

Image October 14, 2012, Felix Baumgartner ascended more than 24 miles above Earth's surface to the edge of space in a stratospheric balloon. Millions across the globe watched as he opened the door of the capsule, stepped off the platform, and broke the speed of sound while free falling safely back to Earth. Felix set three world records that day—and inspired us all to reach beyond the limits of our own realities, and reimagine our potential to achieve the incredible.    GoPro was honored to be a part of this epic achievement, with seven HERO2 cameras documenting every moment. From the airless freeze of outer space, to the record-breaking free fall and momentous return to ground—see it all through Felix's eyes as captured by GoPro, and experience this incredible mission like never before. No one gets you closer than this.

How to make good decisions

Mikael and Roman’s funny but profound talk presents us with decision‐making strategies most of us practice and reveals typical problems like TMI (too much information), PDF (post‐decision feeling) and the truth about perfection (that no one has ever seen but is rumoured to exist). With a remarkable casualness the duo gives us a summary of their bestseller book titled The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking. Finnish-born, but raised in Sweden and Germany, Mikael is an editor of Switzerland’s biggest weekly magazine “Das Magazin”. Prior to that he was a staff writer for NZZ FOLIO, and worked as a copywriter for various advertising agencies.   A graduate from the Zurich University of Arts, Swiss-born Roman is a Biel-based creative producer, consulting and producing various projects ranging from documentary movies and campaigns to art installations, pop music and cook books.

Volcano lighting

Image Lightning is one of mother nature's most spectacular phenomena. But add lightning to a volcanic eruption and the event seems otherworldly! In this DNews video, Trace has all the details on the atmospheric conditions that bring these two forces together.

80 percent of success is simply showing up

Image "80 percent of success is just showing up"  — Woody Allen I often think about that quotation.  It may sound easy to shrug off, but not if you look a little deeper.  It doesn’t just mean show up for job interviews or to work for an 80% increase in success.  Showing up also means starting ...