
Showing posts from February, 2017

Ultimate Air show

Image Rob Holland - Aviation Artist from Aero Media Group on Vimeo .

Star identification

Basic Astronomy Star Identification for Celestial Navigation 1942 US Navy Training Film MN 83f /iframe>

What is Leadership about?

LEADERSHIP is about making others BETTER as a result of your presence and making SURE that impact lasts in your ABSENCE.

Why you are losing good employees

The question has such an obvious answer, it seems too easy. Good employees quit because of bad managers.  Really, that’s the primary reason. This has been shown to be true over and over and over again..... Click on the link below...

Speaking of go around

When dealing with go around, one has to be aware of the fact that there are two types of go around. One is the unexpected one, like a non stabilized approach; the other one is the go around that we may expect due to weather phenomena like heavy rain, windshear, or LVP in the destination aerodrome. If possible, when dealing with the expected one, it is much better to fly with the AP engaged. Maybe windshear will not be the best scenario for this, but LVP and rain would do fine with the AP engaged. When the go around is unexpected you must follow the next steps in order to assure a better performance: Order the Go around by its callout, and execute it: In Airbus it would be "Go around, flaps", (here the PNF should call the flaps set) Read the FMA With positive climb, "Gear up" Manage NAV Set A/P on ASAP Communicate ATC When clean, read after TO checklist Although as instructors we may give importance to the final tasks in the go around flow, it