
Showing posts from 2016

8 secrets of success

Image Richard St. John talks about his 8 secrets of success

Windshear and Microburst review

Understanding how an aircraft needs to be flown when operating in windshear or microburst is essential to pilots. This video will review the basics of flying in these situations

Travel to the moon

December 7, 1972, Apollo 17...The last time humans landed on the Moon... The Last Steps | A Really Great Big Story from Great Big Story on Vimeo .

360 Air show

PC-7 Air show All you need is to open the video in the YouTube app in your iPad, Iphone or Smartphone. You won't be able to see the 360 feature on your PC. Thanks to Niko Saez for his help in finding such amazing videos!!!!

360 video from swiss

All you need is to open the video in the YouTube app in your iPad, Iphone or Smartphone. You won't be able to see the 360 feature on your PC. Thanks to Niko Saez for his help in finding such amazing videos!!!! swiss 360 video

Solar Eclipse from 35.000 feet!!!

You can’t help but get excited when you fly with us and see a solar eclipse. We adjusted Flight #870 from Anchorage to Honolulu on March 8, 2016 just so our passengers could catch the solar eclipse from 35,000 feet